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Nursing (Graduate): Thesis / SIP / DNP Projects

Databases with Test Reviews (including validity and reliability testing)

Search for articles by the Scale or Instrument Used

Many databases have field searches for the test, scale, or instrument used in the research. The results are articles where the instrument was used in the research, so it may not be specifically about the scale. However, many researchers report some validity and reliability testing in their methods. 

This field search works best if you know the exact name of the test you are interested in. Most of these scales are proper nouns with names that are consistent from article to article, such as the Pain and Pain Management scale or the Beck Depression Inventory–II.

Instruments in CINAHL

Select IN Instrumentation to search for research using a particular scale or instrument. 

Tests in PsycArticles & PsycInfo

Select the field TM Test and Measures from the drop down search menu. 


Field Searching for Assessments in ERIC

In the Advanced Menu. select the search field SB Assessment and Survey Identifiers

HealthCare Assessment Tools: Common and Basic Tools for Quick Screening

Checklist for Finding articles about an Instrument

Validity and Reliability Testing

Validity and reliability testing and other reviews on specific tests tend to be very small searches. A basic keyword search for the name of the test and any known variants in PubMed and several meta-searches will give the best chance of results. Meta-searches are combined searches of two or more databases, catalogues, or indexes.  

Example of keyword search for a scale:   "Beck Depression Inventory" OR BDI 

A search for the scale in the following discovery/meta-searches and WorldCat should be comprehensive.