University Art Collections

Winona State University Art Collection

Winona State University's Art Collection is curated and overseen by the Art Collection Committee, an all-university advisory committee. 

Art Collections at Krueger Library

There are several collections throughout the building. Cataloging and historical information is provided when available. 

Percent for Art in Public Places Collection 

The first art collection in Krueger Library was selected and funded through the Minnesota Percent for Art in Public Places. This collection includes the Library Atrium terrazzo floor, a weaving, and several paintings. 

Private Donor Collections

Several art collections in the Library were selected and funded by individual donors. When possible, they have also been cataloged in OpenRiver, the WSU digital repository.  

  • Weber Collection - The Vase with Flowers by Max Weber was originally on display in the Krueger Library. The Oarsman and The Football Players both by Max Weber were once on display in Krueger Library. The Weber Collection is currently not available for viewing in person.
  • Bublitz Collection- Portions of the Bublitz Collection are displayed in Krueger Library. 
  • End of the Trail reproduction by James Earle Fraser,  2nd floor of Krueger Library
  • 4 Fredric Remington reproductions, 2nd floor of Krueger Library
  • Redlich Collection - not currently on display
  • Krueger Collection - Southwestern American weavings, 2nd floor Krueger Library
  • President Darrell W. Krueger Portrait - 1st floor Krueger Library


Archives and Special Collections

Allison Quam
Library 122D

OpenRiver Administrator

Kendall Larson
Library 122C