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Nursing (Graduate): Thesis / SIP / DNP Projects

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Submit to OpenRiver: WSU Repository

Instructions for Submitting Student Research to OpenRiver Digital Repository 

1) Create an individual account with OpenRiver - 
Select My Account from the horizontal navigation bar to create an account. This login information is not connected to your starID, however you can use your WSU email address and create a unique password.

2) Login to your OpenRiver on the "My Account" page with your new login.

3) From the OpenRiver homepage left vertical navigation, under Author Corner, select Submit Research.

4) Under Departments > [Find and select your academic department] > Next select the collection to which you want to submit your research or document.

5) Read and accept the Submissions Agreement by checking the box at the end of the document and next click the Continue button.

6) Complete the form fields for your work. The mandatory fields are title, author, and date (minimum of the year). Other fields do not need to be completed but are helpful to have, such as an abstract or description of your research.

7) Once the fields are completed the last step is to attach your file.  Go to the Upload Full Text field. Select the radio button titled Upload file from your computer.  A Browse button will appear. Use the Browse button to find the location of your file. You can add additional files via the Additional Files field.

8) Last step is to scroll down and click the Submit button.  Click the Submit button only once. Maintain an internet connection until you receive a message that the upload is complete. It may take some time. 

9) Contact your Academic Department office or advisor to let them know you have completed the upload of your research document(s).

Note: Your capstone/thesis will not immediately appear online in OpenRiver. The library confirms with your department that your work is has been officially approved, before publishing it in OpenRiver.

Once this final confirmation is complete your capstone/thesis is published to OpenRiver online. When this final step is completed you will receive an email notification including link to your document in OpenRiver.

If you have questions please contact your library liaison or Kendall Larson at  

WATCH: Submit Your Research