While a reference list provides an excellent source of similar articles at the time an article is written. many databases also provide lists of articles that cited the article later. This is often called forward searching, since it works something like a reference list into the future. Several databases include a list of "Cited By" articles, including:
- PubMed
- Web of Science
- Google Scholar
Cited By in PubMed
From the article record / abstract page, find link to "Cited By" on the right sidebar.
A Cited By list also appears at the bottom of the record.
Forward Citation Searching in CINAHL
In an article record, look on the left for Times Cited in this Database. If this is not there, CINAHL did not find a citing article. This is especially common with very recent articles.
Citing Articles in OVID
From the main article record page, open the Full-featured View. Under the Tools section, select Find CIting Articles.