This checklist is intended as a general outline of items to complete. In practice, the database searches will likely require multiple sessions. In the literature discovery process, you are likely to learn new keywords, MeSH terms and Subject Heading (CINAHL) that will alter your searches. You may also need to readjust elements of your PICO based on initial searches. A search log is highly recommended to track terms and results.
- Search CINAHL
- Search in PubMed
- Search in additional relevant databases such as: PsychArticles, Science Direct, ERIC, or OVID
- Mined references (backward referencing) of highly relevant articles (See Citation Mining)
- Forward searched highly relevant articles in Web of Science, Google Scholar and PubMed (see Forward Searching)
It is also highly recommended that you meet with a librarian to review your search. A librarian can help verify if your database searches are exhaustive.