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Find Books (A step-by-step guide)

Find and access print and eBooks.

Reference Books in Print (A Step-By-Step Guide)

Reference resources are encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, atlases, guidebooks, medication guides, and other resources where you look portions of the texts as needed. They tend to be great sources for background information. 

Find reference books using the Krueger Library catalog:

  1. Go to the library homepage.
  2. Type in keywords which describe a broad topic. Note: the individual entries in print reference books are generally not catalogued. Focusing on a broader topic where you expect to find entry will yield better results. For examples, if you are hoping to find an entry for the north American lynx, you might search "Animal" or "Big Cat."
  3. From the pull down menu, select  Library Catalog--Books & Media.
  4. From the list of results, look for Krueger Collection (Physical Location) and select Reference -- 1st Floor. 
  5. Click on the book title for more information and a description. From here, you may able be to look at the table of contents or view a list of subjects associated with the book. Also, note the similar items along the right side.
  6. In the Send to section, in the middle of the item record, you will helpful options: Citation, permalink (url link), or print.
  7. Write down the call number. 
  8. The Reference Collection is on the main floor, behind the reference desk. The Library can also scan a section through Resource Sharing.

Reference eBooks & Databases