The SuDoc classification system is organized by the agency, department, or unit in which an author works, not by the personal author. The SuDoc system is used to organize the Federal government documents within the WSU's collection. For the historical development of the SuDoc system
SuDoc = Superintendent of Documents Classification System was developed in GPO’s Public Documents Library between 1895 and 1903. Below is a list (not exhaustive).
AE National Archives
C Dept. of Commerce
CR Civil Rights Commission
D Dept. of Defense
E Dept. of Energy
ED Dept. of Education
EP Environmental Protection Agency
GA General Accounting Office
GP Government Publishing Office
HE Dept. of Health and Human Services
HH Dept. of Housing and Development
HS Dept. of Homeland Security
I Dept. of the Interior
ITC International Trade Commission
J Dept. of Justice
JU Judiciary (federal courts)
L Dept. of Labor
LC Library of Congress
NAS National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NF National Endowment for the Arts; National Endowment for the Humanities
NS National Science Foundation
P US Postal Service
PE Peace Corps
PM Office of Personnel Management
PR President of the United States
PREX Executive Office of the President
PRVP Vice President of the United States
S Dept. of State
SBA Small Business Administration
SE Securities and Exchange Commission
SI Smithsonian Institution
SSA Social Security Administration
T Dept. of the Treasury
TD Dept. of Transportation
VA Veterans Administration
X & Y Congress