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Find Books (A step-by-step guide)

Find and access print and eBooks.

FIND: Books by a Title (A step-by-step guide)

Here's how to find a specific book using the Krueger Library catalog:

  1. Go to the library homepage.
  2. Under the OneSearch search box (library homepage), select the Advanced Search link.
  3. Select the radio button for Library Catalog--Books & Media. Type in the title to the first search box. 
  4. To the left of the search box, find the "Search Filters" column. In the first drop-down box, select Title. Now you will be searching only the title field. Click the Search button.
  5. If your search retrieves no results, either shorten the title or remove any punctuation. If you still retrieve no results, the WSU Library may not own the book, but you can request the book from another library using Worldcat.
  6. If your title appears in the results, click on the title of the book. From here, you may able be to look at the table of contents or view a list of subjects associated with the book. Also, note the similar items along the right side.
  7. If you would like this book, there are two ways to get a print book: 
    1. Look for the Find It section. The collection location and call number are located here.  Write down the call number and find it on the shelfEach book has its own call number. For more information about call numbers, click on the WHAT'S A CALL NUMBER? link on the left. 
    2. Or You can use the sign in link. Sign in with your StarID and then you will see a Request link, which will lead you to an auto-filled out form. Follow the process to submit your request. Library staff will get the book for you and hold it at the Front Desk or you can schedule a pick up time.
  8. Check your WSU email. Look for an email titled Hold Shelf Letter. This email will let you know a book is on hold and ready for you at our Front Desk.  If you would like a book mailed to you, please respond to the Hold Shelf Letter email.