Use WorldCat Discovery to search and request books, videos, and other materials from libraries around the world. This link
Search by title or topic in WorldCat Discovery. Use the Advanced Searchto search by author or other options.
Select a book to open its record.
From the record page, look for Request Item in the right sidebaror Find It - WSU at the bottom.These links will bring you back to Krueger Library holdings.
Sign in under the Find It section If you have not already.
Select Resource Sharing for a pre-filled request form.
Select the copyright agreement and Submit the request.
You will receive an email when the item is available.
Trouble Shooting
Not seeing a Request Item in WorldCat Discovery?
Make sure you are using the Winona State on WorldCat, listed above and throughout our website. This version that is integrated with our library system. Here is the homepage URL: