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Print Books

Krueger Library OneSearch: Print Books and Media

To expand your search to our larger consortium, select All MnPALS from the menu. This will show books available from other MnPALS libraries which includes all state university and college libraries and many private institutions. Print books, DVDs, and other items can be requested through Resource Sharing for free.

Print Books from Around the World


eBooks can be found via OneSearch and in many databases. Most of our traditional reference materials, such as encyclopedias, are now in eBooks form. 


OneSearch: Films (DVDs and Streaming)

Search OneSearch for titles or topics. 

Need a DVD player? Those can be checked out at the Front Desk. 

Streaming Video Databases


Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Find encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference materials in print and online in the databases. The print reference materials are found opposite the main entrance of the library, behind the Research Help Desk. See the first floor map for details. 

Find Reference Materials

General, Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia Databases

Articles: newspapers, journals, and magazines

Dissertations & Theses

Dissertations from Winona State University

Dissertations, theses, Scholarly Inquiry Papers and other graduate scholarship completed at WSU can be found in two places: Open River and OneSearch.

Dissertations from Around the World

WorldCat searches thousands of library catalogs for dissertations from around the world. Many of the dissertations may only exist in print. Look for Request or Find it at WSU, to request via Resource Sharing. 

Dissertations in Databases (mostly electronic)

Data Sets

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