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Find Articles (A step-by-step guide)

Learn about different types of articles.

READ: Find Articles (A step-by-step guide)

Databases have full text articles and some are citation only (full text can be requested through our Resource Sharing service).

  1. In your database search results, you may see a link for PDF or HTML, which means that you can view, download, email, print the article from that database. Or, ...
  2. For those articles without full text you will see a link for FIND IT - WSU or the button either below the brief article information or when you click on the title to view the article record.
  3. Click on the "FIND IT Krueger Library" button and a new window will pop up showing full text options at WSU.
  4. Check the publication year of your article and compare this year to the database subscription years.
  5. Then under the "Full Text Availability" section, select the database with the "available from" date coverage for your article (located under each database title).
  6. Under most circumstances, you will be linked to the full text of the article. If not, look for a search box to search for the full text or if you see links to the journal issues, scroll down or click through to the correct volume and issue.
  7. Some articles are available in print physical format and can be found in the Bound (3rd floor) or Current Periodicals (1st floor). Others are available on Microform, which requires the use of a Microform reader. If you are new to Microfilm, please ask for assistance from one of the service desks and through our Microfilm Paging Request Service. Use the Library's Periodicals Request Service to have the library scan the article and email it to you.
  8. If when you click the   button and no full text is available at WSU, you can request the article from another library through our Resource Sharing-InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service. Here is how you do it:
    • Click Request this Item via WSU Resource Sharing-InterLibrary Loan (ILL).
    • Enter your StarID and password OR:
    • Enter your barcode number (on the back of your Warrior ID) and your password (your last name).
    • All of the necessary article information will be filled in automatically. Check the date for accuracy.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page, check the copyright box, and click Submit.

FAQs: Articles