Political Science and Public Administration: Research Guide

Research Help

When you have a question about the library or about research during this class, please contact me. Use the "Schedule Appointment" button or send me an email . You can also contact the Reference/Research Help Desk (lower right corner of library home page).

Explore Political Science Journals

Future Scholarly Journal Slideshow goes here. Work in Progress.

Newer Resources

Political Science Research Databases

To search for articles, select one of the databases listed below, or return to the Research Hub and browse the Databases by Subject to select the most appropriate subject database for your topic.

Before using a databases make sure you understand the type of content a database provides. For example CQ Researcher provides in-depth reports on current topics written by professional journalists; these reports can be great for topic development and understanding an issue in more depth (and they have some nice bibliographies of sources). However the reports are not scholarly articles.  Academic Search has a mix of scholarly articles along with newspapers and magazines and professional publications.  JSTOR is a database of primarily all scholar journals (with a spattering of books) and it's great for finding book reviews.

Your Librarian

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Kendall Larson
Darrell W. Krueger Library 122
Winona State University
Winona, Minnesota

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