Political Science and Public Administration: Research Guide

Ralph J. Bunge Award - APSA

The Ralph J. Bunche Award is awarded for the best scholarly work in political science published in the previous calendar year  The awarded book explores the phenomenon of ethnic and cultural pluralism. Awarded by the American Political Science Association  here.

2021 Race to the Bottom: How Racial Appeals Work in American Politics by LaFleur Stephens-Dougan
2020  The anger gap: how race shapes emotion in politics by Davin Phoenix
2019  The spectre of race: how discrimination haunts Western democracy by Michael G. Hanchard          
2018  Theorizing race in the Americas: Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos by Juliet Hooker and Chris Zepeda-Millán
2017  Race and the totalitarian century: geopolitics in the Black literary imagination by Vaughn Raspberry
2016  White backlash : immigration, race, and American politics by Marisa Abrajano and Zoltan L. Hajnal
2015  Civil rights and the making of the modern American state by Megan Ming Francis
2014  Trading democracy for justice: criminal convictions and the decline of neighborhood political participation by Traci Burch; The politics of belonging: race, public opinion, and immigration by Natalie Masuoka and Jane Junn
2013  Juan in a hundred: representations of Latinos on the network news by Otto Santa Ana; Mobilizing inclusion : transforming the electorate through get-out-the-vote campaigns by Lisa Garcia Bedolla and Melissa Michelson
2012  Race appeal: how candidates invoke race in U.S. political campaigns by Charlton D. McIlwain and Stephen M. Caliendo
2011  The trouble with unity: Latino politics and the creation of identity by Cristina Beltrán
2010  Fighting for democracy: black veterans and the struggle against white supremacy in the postwar South by Christopher S. Parker
2009   In search of the Black fantastic: politics and popular culture in the post-Civil Rights era by Richard Iton; Racial union : law, intimacy, and the White state in Alabama by Julie Novkov
2008   Justice, gender, and the politics of multiculturalism by Sarah Song
2007  Countervailing forces in African-American civic activism, 1973-1994 by Fredrick C. Harris, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, and Brian D. McKenzie; Racial politics in post-revolutionary Cuba by Mark Q. Sawyer
2006  Fluid borders: Latino power, identity, and politics in Los Angeles by Lisa Garcia Bedolla
2005  The rights of others: aliens, residents, and citizens by Seyla Benhabib; The two reconstructions: the struggle for Black enfranchisement by Richard M. Valelly
2004  American Babylon: race and the struggle for postwar Oklahoma by Robert O. Self
2003  Black pride and Black prejudice: by Paul M. Sniderman and Thomas Piazza
2002  Black visions: the roots of contemporary African-American political ideologies by Michael C. Dawson
2001  Bitter fruit:  he politics of Black-Korean conflict in New York City by Claire Jean Kim
2000  The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina   ethnic conflict and international intervention by Steven L. Burg and Paul S. Shoup; Colorblind injustice:  minority voting rights and the undoing of the Second Reconstruction by J. Morgan Kousser
1999  Making race and nation: a comparison of the United States, South Africa, and Brazil by Anthony W. Marx; Whiteness of a different color:  European immigrants and the alchemy of race by Matthew F. Jacobson
1998  Civic ideals: conflicting visions of citizenship in U. S. history by Rogers M. Smith
1997  Color conscious: the political morality of race by Amy Gutmann and K. Anthony Appiah
1996  Multicultural citizenship: liberal theory of minority rights by Will Kymlicka
1995  The science and politics of racial research by William H. Tucker
1994  Politics in black and white: race and power in Los Angeles by Raphael J. Sonenshein
1993  Latinos and the U. S. political system:  two-tiered pluralism by Rodney E. Hero
1992  A democratic South Africa?: constitutional engineering in a divided society by Donald L. Horowitz
1991  Black votes count: political empowerment in Mississippi after 1965 by Frank R. Parker
1990  Regime politics: governing Atlanta, 1946-1988 by Clarence N. Stone
1989  Black presidential politics in America: a strategic approach by Ronald Walters
1988  Politics and society in the South by Earl and Merel Black
1987  Ethnic relations in the USSR:  the perspective from below by Rasma Karklins; Public opinion and collective action: the Boston school desegregation conflict by D. Garth Taylor
1986  Beyond busing: inside the challenge to urban segregation by Paul R. Dimond
1985  Protest is not enough: The struggle of Blacks and Hispanics for equality in urban politics by Rufus P. Browning, Dale Rogers Marshall, and David H. Tabb
1984  Communists in Harlem during the depression by Mark Naison
1983  Nations before nationalism by John A. Armstrong; Slavery and social death:  a comparative study by Orlando Patterson
1982  No award given
1981  The politics of cultural nationalism in South India by Marguerite Ross Barnett
1980  Race and class in the Southwest: a theory of racial inequality by Mario Barrera
1979  Democracy in plural societies: a comparative exploration by Arend Lijphart
1978  World of our fathers by Irving Howe