MECP 600: Foundations of Multicultural Education

This library guide will provide an introduction to library resources and research approaches for foundational multicultural education. "Foundations of Multicultural Education is the first course in the Multicultural Education Certificate program (MECP)

Core Education & Multicultural Education Databases

Use these databases to find the best articles from Education and Multicultural Education journals.

Some databases provide article citations and abstracts, but not full text. The "Check for Full Text" button checks across databases for full text. If full text is not available, you can request full text through Interlibrary Loan/Resource Sharing.

Secondary Subject Databases

Using Google Scholar

READ: Popular Magazines

Flipster provides access to a variety of popular audience magazines (periodicals). You may be interested in browsing these magazines: Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek....

Browse the full collection of magazine titles

READ: What is a DOI?

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to identify articles and provides a persistent link to its location. A DOI starts with the number 10.

  • Not all articles will have a DOI.

The DOI can be found:

  • At the top or bottom of the first page of the article near the copyright information:
    DOI in the Article
  • In the database search results or article record:

    DOI in the Database Result

If you already have the DOI, you can use it to locate your article:

1.  From the Library's home page, directly under the main OneSearch box, select CitationLinker

2. OR, add the DOI to the end of the following web address:

For example:

If you have the citation, use CrossRef to locate the DOI