RTTR Research Process: Resorts

Core RTTR Journals and where to find them

Starting your Research? Depending your topic, you may need to search in more than one place for your research. For example, these core RTTR journals are available on these databases or sites.


  • Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership as Open Access
  • Journal of Tourism Insights as Open Access


If the library doesn't have access to Full-Text Articles, they can be requested through Resource Sharing. After you place a request, articles are delivered straight to your email, often within a few days. Articles from these RTTR journals will need to be requested through Resource Sharing:

  • Journal of Travel Research
  • Learning Disabilities- a Multidisciplinary Journal
  • Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
  • Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership
  • Canadian Journal of Recreation Therapy

What are Research Databases?


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Aurora Jacobsen