MECP 600: Foundations of Multicultural Education

This library guide will provide an introduction to library resources and research approaches for foundational multicultural education. "Foundations of Multicultural Education is the first course in the Multicultural Education Certificate program (MECP)

Key Intercultural Learning Opportunities (KILOs): Identify Opportunities

Ten Key Intercultural Learning Opportunities (KILOs)

Step 1: You need to do any 3 of the below Key intercultural Learning Opportunities and provide evidence of your sources and learning. Review your syllabus for approaches to each KILO.

  1. Training Programs - Check the IDI/IDP website and contact your workplace or professional organizations to identify activities.

  2. Workplace Activities  - Talk with colleagues and leadership to identify activities, committees, and partnerships.

  3. Books - Search local public and university library catalogs or WorldCat for  specific culture, population, religion ...].

    • WorldCat is a central catalog of thousands of libraries' books and other resources, including WSU's. There are great starting points in books for learning about other cultures in books and other resources. You can search broadly by a culture, then narrow to a geographic region or population. "Note: A demographic population that shares specific demographic characteristics (e.g. ethnicity, race, language, social class, biological sex, gender orientation, sexual orientation, exceptionality, faith, and so on." - MECP 600 Syllabus

    • Look for artifacts of culture by reading periodicals from Ethnic NewsWatch Historical (1959-1989) or a digging into a primary source collection such as Gale Primary Source Collections at WSU. We have Archives of Sexuality and Gender, Indigenous Peoples of North American, and more.

  4. Theatre, Film and Arts - Find a documentary film via your library or online provider. Also check your community's current events and activities.
    Step 1: Go to the WSU Library Catalog - Use the Advanced Search.
    Step 2: Enter your keywords, From the Material Type drop-down menu, select Video/Film and search. Or search your keywords.  From the results page use the "Refine My Results" limiter (left column) to narrow to Videos.
    Step 3: Select a culture, a concept, or part of the world you would like to learn more about.  
    For example if you are interested in learning more about Indigenous Peoples -- United States; Food culture or a concept such Food Sovereignty or another. Keyword examples:  Indigenous peoples; United States Indigenous and topic such as Food - you might find a film such as Gather (Indigenous Food Culture or a variety of different types of films dealing with culture. You may need to use WorldCat a larger catalog of resources around the world.
    Additional databases to search:

5. Educational Classes- Check for opportunities with your local universities/colleges, community education, and online providers. Contact a department or professor teaching a course of interest. Ask for a copy of a syllabus and/or reading list. Look for classes in Sociology, Ethnic Studies, Indigenous Studies, Multicultural Studies, Global Studies, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies and more.

6. Personal Interactions -There are opportunities all around us each day. Volunteer in a community. Check with your public library, community education, student clubs and services for events.

7. Intercultural Journaling - Set aside time to reflect on your experiences from reading, watching, experiencing. Note: Intercultural Journaling can be coupled with any of the other nine Key Intercultural Learning Opportunities.

8. Travel - See your syllabus for examples. If you are not able to travel, search for virtual museums in a culture, country, or subject area in which you are interested.
Here are a few examples:

9. Coaching - Are you connected to IDI Qualified Administrators or cultural consultants?

10. Site Visits - Find cultural organizations, institutions, churches. Search for opportunities to interact and learn about them.

IDI/IDP Process: Learning More

Step 1: Select the keywords which best describe your search. Example keywords are listed below.

  • "Intercultural Development Inventory" 
  • "Intercultural Development Plan" 
  • "Intercultural Development Plan" OR "Intercultural Development Inventory"
  • (IDI or IDP) and Intercultural OR intercultural development   
    Note: IDI and IDP are acronyms for things other than the above keywords. If you use the acronym you will need to use another related keyword such as Intercultural to connect to articles related to this topic.

Step 2: Select a database or other resources to search. See the Find Articles page for a list of databases.

Databases in which to start are found through our Databases A to Z listing here.
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Education FullText (EBSCO), Google Scholar can be reliable first databases.
Remember: Most databases provide a way to filter your search results by DATE. This allows you to remove items from your search which are not in your search range. This will be useful when searching for articles in the lat 5-10 years.

Step 3: Review your results, review your keywords, and try again. Remember to save useful articles and citations in a central location.

Step 4: As you research you will add additional keywords associated to different parts of the assignment.

Ten Key Learning Opportunities

Key Intercultural Learning Opportunities (KILOs)

Training Programs 
Workplace Activities  
Theatre, Film and Arts 
Educational Classes
Personal Interactions
Intercultural Journaling
Site Visits