Use these databases to find the best articles from Mass Communication journals.
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The major database for mass communications, communication studies, marketing, and related fields. Combined coverage of over 770 titles. Some full text.
Broad database with both academic and general articles. Many are full text, but some are citation only.
Business Source Premier contains full text from the world's top management and marketing journals including Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, etc.
In-depth, non-biased coverage of the most important and controversial issues of the day, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the U.S. economy.
Covers U.S. and Canadian history. Also strong in the social sciences and humanities. Access over 1,700 journals published worldwide, including state historical society journals. Citations for books, media, and dissertations as well. Coverage from 1954.
The WSU Library provides access to an array of newspaper databases. These are essential for mass communication research and newsgathering.
Open access to Winona-area newspapers from the mid-1800s-1976. Presented by Krueger Library with the support of the Minnesota Historical Society and the cooperation of the Winona County Historical Society.
Full text and full image articles from the New York Times (1851-2021)
International literature in psychology and related disciplines such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. Nearly all records contain nonevaluative summaries, and all records from 1967 are indexed using the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.