How to Cite Your Research

Collecting References: Books and Articles

Zotero provides the ability to save references from most library catalogs (including WSU's) and databases with one click. Zotero's icon in your browser will change depending on what it thinks you're looking at. For instance, if you're looking at The New York Times, the icon will appear to be a little newspaper. If you're in a database like JSTOR, the icon will change to an article icon. To save the citation, just click the icon and Zotero will automatically save it to your library.


Scholarly article example using zotero



If you're on a page of search results with many items, you'll see a folder icon instead. Click this to get a list of all the items on the page, and check off the ones you want to save.

Zotero multiple articles

Check out Zotero's documentation on adding items for additional information and resources!