To search for articles, select one of the databases listed below, or return to the Research Hub and browse the Databases by Subject to select the most appropriate subject database for your topic.
The following databases will grant you access to articles about food, health, economic issues, labor issues, among other related topics:
Broad database with both academic and general articles. Many are full text, but some are citation only.
A research database for education students, professionals and policymakers. It includes full-text education journals that cover the essentials of education and related fields of study, including in-depth coverage of special education. Education journals from 1983. Full text from 1994.
The strongest database in medicine. Also strong in biology, chemistry, and neuroscience.
Covers the history of the world from 1450 (excluding the U.S. and Canada, which are covered in America: History and Life). Abstracts and citations only.
Business Source Premier contains full text from the world's top management and marketing journals including Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, etc.
Newspapers are often a good source to further educate yourself about a topic. Keep in mind, though, that newspaper articles are typically written by staff writers (not usually experts), written for a general audience, and usually do not include a list of resources that were consulted or used to write the article.
This "How do I..." guide will instruct you on how to locate articles through the WSU Databases and request articles from other libraries: