Election 2024

POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES: What do City Councilors do?

  • City level position, 4 year term
  • Winona has 6 members of City Council
  • The 6 city council members are elected by each of the 4 city wards (divisions of the city into smaller sections) and 2 at large members (elected by all voters in the city).
  • It is a municipal level body which has legislative and administrative powers.
  • It appropriate funds, approves city taxes, and passes ordinances. 
  • Helps with guiding community development and enforces rules for the city.

Winona City Council Candidates - 2022

Candidate are listed in the order at the Minnesota Secretary of State site. All Winona City Council races.

City Council at Large (Winona)

 At Large (Winona)

 Michelle Alexander

At Large (Winona)

 Jerome Christenson



City Council Ward 2

 Ward 1 (Winona)

  Jeff Hyma

  • No Website  


City Council Ward 4

Ward 4 (Winona)

 George Borzyskowski 

  • No Website
Ward 4 (Winona)

Amber Buysman

  • No Website