When searching for book reviews in the databases, you can limit the date of publication so that your search results will only retrieve reviews published the years you have identified. Therefore, when searching for book reviews on This Boy's Life, limit your publication date range beginning with the year the book was published, 1989, and no later than a couple of years before the film adaptation was released, 1991; the film was released April 9, 1993.
In many databases you can refine the document type (or resource type) to Book Review or just Review; go to the Advanced search to refine document type or resource type.
To search for book reviews about This Boy's Life, you'll search for: "This Boy's Life" AND Wolff
The quotations will instruct the database to search for the title as a phrase.
It is also important to mention that some book reviews can be very short, just a couple hundred words or less. For the purposes of this assignment, you will want to locate book reviews that offer a substantial and critical commentary about the book, which means that you will want to select book reviews that contain a word count of several hundred.
The following databases will provide you access to either the full-text of the book review or the citation of a book review. If you only find a citation of the book review, you can request another library send you an electronic copy of the book review; this service is called Interlibrary Loan and does not cost you anything additional. You will receive an email that will provide you information of where you can download the article.
Use the following reference sources (Reference Collection, 1st Floor) to locate book reviews: