Recap: In 2022, twenty-four Minnesota libraries joined together in a commitment to retain over a half-million print books which are scarcely-held in Minnesota. It is called the Minnesota Shared Print Collection. Here is one of the stories from the Winona State share of the collection.
Perhaps the primary criterion for a book on the retention list is that it is scarcely-held in the State of Minnesota.
George Boole was the 19th century mathematician who pioneered the mathematics of logic—the algebra of ANDs, ORs, and NOTs—hence, there is a great deal of interest in his work among computer scientists. Books by or about George Boole are plentiful in Minnesota and none of them are on Winona State’s retention list; however, his wife Mary was a mathematics educator, and a selection of her writings is on our list.
Boole, Mary Everest. A Boolean Anthology: Selected Writings of Mary Boole on Mathematical Education. Compiled by D. G. Tahta. Nelson: Association of Teachers of Mathematics, 1972.