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Retention List Stories

Stories from the WSU Shared Print Retention List

Story Thirty-Three: A Rare Book about Remembering 9/11

by Vernon Leighton on 2024-09-11T00:00:00-05:00 in History, Political Science and Public Administration | 0 Comments

Recap: In 2022, twenty-four Minnesota libraries joined together in a commitment to retain over a half-million print books which are scarcely-held in Minnesota. It is called the Minnesota Shared Print Collection. Here is one of the stories from the Winona State share of the collection.

The tragedy on September 11, 2001, rallied the vast majority of Americans to our flag. Most of the books in our library about 9/11 are widely held in Minnesota. One of the books in the Krueger Library about 9/11 which is rare in Minnesota is a text that criticizes its memorialization.

Skotnes, Andor and Jim O’Brien. Historicizing 9/11. Duke University Press, 2011.



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