On December 19th, EBSCOhost is rolling out a new search interface for most of its databases. EBSCO is the vendor of CINAHL, Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier and many more.
While the databases look very different, the content has not changed. All of the same journals, books, and other resources are still available from the databases.
A few of the access options will be turned off until we move fully to the new interfaces. However, the databases are fully functional. Try them now:
- Academic Search Premier
- Business Source Premier*
- CINAHL Ultimate
- PsycArticles
- PsycInfo
- World Politics Review
- All EBSCO Metasearch (search of all EBSCO databases)
See a complete listing of all EBSCO databases on our A-Z page. Note that a few of the databases, such as Learning Express, Points of View Reference Source, and those intended for K-12 audience, will have a different interface.
*Business Source Premier will continue to be available with the Business Searching Interface and the new searching interface. Both options will appear on the A-Z list.
If you have any problems accessing content, please contact the library at library@winona.edu
See our EBSCO related FAQs.
New EBSCO Tutorials