None of the books written by famed educator Maria Montessori is rare enough to be on Winona State’s retention list, but a series of books about Montessori’s methods are.
Walls, Clare Healy. At the Heart of Montessori 4: The Pre School Child. Dublin: Original Writing, 2008.
Recap: In 2022, twenty-four Minnesota libraries joined together in a commitment to retain over a half-million print books which are scarcely-held in Minnesota. It is called the Minnesota Shared Print Collection. Here is one of the stories from the Winona State share of the collection.
None of the books written by famed educator Maria Montessori is rare enough to be on Winona State’s retention list, but a series of books about Montessori’s methods are.
Walls, Clare Healy. At the Heart of Montessori 4: The Pre School Child. Dublin: Original Writing, 2008.
Recap: In 2022, twenty-four Minnesota libraries joined together in a commitment to retain over a half-million print books which are scarcely-held in Minnesota. It is called the Minnesota Shared Print Collection. Here is one of the stories from the Winona State share of the collection.