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Retention List Stories

Stories from the WSU Shared Print Retention List

Story Twenty: A score of musical scores

by Vernon Leighton on 2024-06-13T00:00:00-05:00 in Music | 0 Comments

Recap: In 2022, twenty-four Minnesota libraries joined together in a commitment to retain over a half-million print books which are scarcely-held in Minnesota. It is called the Minnesota Shared Print Collection. Here is one of the stories from the Winona State share of the collection.

Emerita Professor of Music Suzanne Draayer had as a focus of her research the Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrígo. She donated many items to the library. It is entirely fitting that a score (twenty) of Rodrígo’s musical scores are on Winona State’s retention list. (Note: there is a sequence of five titles in a row among these scores, which ties the record of consecutive titles set in story number ten.) This story rounds out our first score of stories (twenty) about the Winona State share of the Minnesota Shared Print Collection. Below is one of the scores by Rodrigo.

 Rodrigo, Joaquín. Aranjuez, Ma Pensée: Tema Del Adagio Del Concierto de Aranjuez. Para Piano. 1988.






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